Uma empresa nativa COPPE
Experiência e ampla capacidade, bem aqui no Brasil.
dotBot Robotics é uma empresa oriunda do GSCAR, na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). A empresa pertence aos três principais membros do laboratório LEAD.
Nossa experiência somada inclui robôs terrestres, aéreos e até mesmo robôs específicos de ambientes industriais - desde o projeto conceitual, passando pela fabricação e indo até a operação.
Temos toda a capacidade para entregar serviços confiáveis e eficientes através da robótica inteligente.
Laboratório de Engenharia de Aplicação e Desenvolvimento
Grupo de Simulação em Controle, Automação e Robótica
Low-cost assessment of robotic applications
We develop simulation environments for each costumer use case. Our method allows for very fast and inexpensive demonstrations of our services. This step allows the customer to see the delivered value beforehand.
In-house fabrication capability for rapid design iterations
By retaining a wide range of fabrication capabilities in our lab, we are able to very quickly iterate our designs and head to work with an optimized solution. We also have a reliable chain of service providers for high precision fabrication when called for.
Employing our own off-the-shelf components when feasible, acquiring commercially available equipment when sensible, using our proven innovation capacity every time.
The main pillars of our service are reliable, robust and capable robots. Our strategy of having full control over their design process enables us to cut through the clutter and create solutions that are truly ideal for our costumers.
Not interested in owning a robot?
No worries! Let us know what your challenge is and we will provide you a robotic service.
Este é o nosso portfolio robótico
ARIEL is a project with Repsol Sinopec Brasil in which a system is designed to autonomously identify oil spills, composed by a drone and a USV. Even though the USV is able to provide local measurements using sensors in contact with water, the drone is indispensable to provide high-level spatial data. Equipped with infrared and visual cameras to detect the oil spills, the drone can also take off and land on the USV autonomously. The fusion of remote sensors (SAR) and local sensors (infrared and visual cameras, and metocean sensors) allows ARIEL to create a 4D monitoring of the oil dispersion.
Winner of the 2017 ANP Technology Innovation Award, DORIS is a surveillance robot develop in a partnership with Petrobras and Equinor to monitor offshore platform reducing the risk to humans when inspecting harmful areas. An onboard manipulator is also able of interacting with the environment.
ROSI is a mobile robot designed to inspect belt conveyor machinery in the mining industry. The proposed system is a wheeled and tracked mobile platform equipped with a robotic manipulator and several sensors to allow execution of the scheduled tasks. This project is sponsored by VALE S.A.
HEADS is a stabilization system that compensates the ship motion, so the equipped infrared and visual cameras can detect oil spills with a very precise stable image of the line of sight. This project was sponsored by Repsol Sinopec Brasil.
Incubadora de Empresas da COPPE / UFRJ, Prédio 1, Sala 12 - Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - CEP 21941-614
+55 (21) 99392-4530