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A COPPE Native Company

Welcome to dotBot Robotics. We are a robotics company with a mission to democratize the use of robots and make their benefits accessible to all. We believe that robotics can play a key role in creating a better world by using robots in work that is repetitive, dangerous, or otherwise challenging for humans, while also creating new opportunities for workers to become supervisors and operators of these technologies. Our vision is to build a future where robots and humans work hand-in-hand to drive progress and prosperity for everyone.

Image by Johannes Plenio



Low-cost assessment of robotic applications

We develop simulation environments for each costumer use case. Our method allows for very fast and inexpensive demonstrations of our services. This step allows the customer to see the delivered value beforehand.


In-house fabrication for rapid design iterations

By retaining a wide range of fabrication capabilities in our lab, we are able to very quickly iterate our designs and head to work with an optimized solution. We also have a reliable chain of service providers for high precision fabrication when called for.


Employing our own off-the-shelf components when feasible, acquiring commercially available equipment when sensible, using our proven innovation capacity every time.

The main pillars of our service are reliable, robust and capable robots. Our strategy of having full control over their design process enables us to cut through the clutter and create solutions that are truly ideal for our costumers.


Not interested in owning a robot?

No worries! Let us know what your challenge is and we will provide you a robotic service.


Extensive expertise and exceptional capabilities, available right here in Brazil

dotBot Robotics is a spin-off of the GSCAR group at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The company is owned by three core members who have collectively led the LEAD laboratory for the past decade. Our expertise spans a wide range of areas, including terrestrial and aerial robotics, as well as award-winning pipe-riding robots. We have extensive experience in all aspects of the robotics lifecycle, from conceptual design and fabrication to operation and maintenance.


Incubadora de Empresas da COPPE / UFRJ, Prédio 1, Sala 12 - Cidade Universitária - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - CEP 21941-614

+55 (21) 99392-4530

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